JUnit also uses annotations, but the annotations have different names and serve different purposes. The answer: We generate our own TestNG.xml files (automatically) and the BeforeSuite method was not being included in it. And since I have the options Add unambiguous imports on the fly and optimize imports on the fly checked in the preferences, when I go ahead and add the following: import It gets greyed out since its not in use.but it is. SKIP Exception example import org.testng. Annotations: TestNG uses annotations to identify tests, set priorities, and configure other aspects of how the tests should be run. The other annotations work fine as you can see. We've already seen the test methods from PersistenceTest.java, but let's take a look at. I will explain both SkipException and IAnnotationTransfomer. The differentiation that is very important to note is that SkipException will break out off all subsequent tests while implmenting IAnnotationTransformer uses Reflection to disbale individual tests, based on a condition that you specify. There are two ways that I know of that allow you the control of "disabling" tests in TestNG.